Well, thank goodness, the insurance is actually going to pay us back for some of the IVF bills. It seems strange that they will pay for FET but not IVF. Weird. We are still wait for 2 more of the claims. They needed more information and now they are being reprocessed. The one is the claim for all the medications. It is over $5000, so if they can pay most of it, we will be able to just about pay off one of the loans. That would be nice. Then we could pay double on the second one. So we are praying that they get reimbursed and we can have a little more money again soon. We really want to have them paid off by the time we move in the fall.
Update: Insurance came through one the big one too! We were so excited to get one of the loans paid off! And now we are getting closer to paying of the 2nd one as well. Woooohoooo!