Last weekend we went out in search of some castles in the local area. Thank goodness we have finally made some friends who are all for just driving around until we find stuff to look at,
lol. Thanks Amy and David and
Jayden. Turns out there are towns around here that have the same name with towns in
Luxembourg (just 30 minutes or so away). So while Amy was looking for this castle in Germany, I thought it was in
Luxembourg. So, away we went to
Luxembourg. Thank goodness it was not very far away because I would have felt really bad when we found no castle there,
lol. But we did find the
Luxembourg American
Military Cemetery. It is kind of a mini Arlington, but only graves from WWII. General Patton is buried there. We were freezing our butts off but it was really interesting.

So, then we drove around and found a few really neat castles. Some actually have people living in them so that made stopping and taking photos a little strange. But we did anyway... We had some interesting adventures with needing to find a bathroom really badly...and having to pay money to a angry looking German woman who told us we must pay or buy something. Thank goodness I though to bring the Euro!
Here are the castles we saw:

We were disappointed that we could not get any closer to the castles, but the roads get very narrow and the car was not going to fit.
So, that was last weekend. This weekend, we are off to the
Vianden Castle in
Luxembourg. So there will be more pictures soon. And in March we are going to London!!! There will be picture overload from that trip. I am so glad we have friends to make us get out and travel some during our last year here.