We were so happy when Sgt. Butterfield asked us if we wanted to use their season tickets to go see a NFL Europe game in Cologne, Germany. The ride to Cologne was an experience because none of us really knew how to get to the stadium. We thought that he knew, but I guess he had never actually done the driving before, lol.
The game was the Cologne Centurians vs. Rhein Fire. It was so much fun. We loved yelling, "GO CENTUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUURIANS! " We even got on television a little bit. But it was a blast. It was strange to be at a game where we could not understand anything they said. We had planned to go again, but after the season was over, they got rid of NFL Europe. We were very sad.
We saw JT O'Sullivan play QB for the Rhein Fire. He was a lot better playing in Europe than now in the NFL.