Wednesday, September 17, 2008

New Exercise Machine...

Well, I said I would post about my new elliptical machine, so here goes... To be honest, I have only used it once. Barry has only used it twice. It is a really nice machine and we both have the best intentions when it comes to using it.

I always thought that once we bought it, we would use it more often. I really miss having a work-out buddy to hold me accountable to working out.

I am going to start using it soon......or at least I plan to, lol.

Are You Ready For Some Football???????

I had this blog in mind last week before the start of the NFL season, but we did not get around to taking a picture until the weekend. Oh well, you get the idea. We love the NFL! We hate waiting for it to get started. The Chicago Bears are my team and Barry loves the Cincinnati Bengals. We also enjoy fantasy football. It makes the season even more interesting when you enjoy watching other teams play too. We have two teams that we do together and I have 4 others that I do on my own. I have been the champion in one of my leagues two years in a row and I am going for a 3-peat!

Most guys are shocked by how much I know about football. I am the one who stays up watching the games all night long (our games start here at 7pm instead of noon because of the time difference). I love it! GO BEARS!!!!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008


Even though my hubby thinks they are EXTREMELY stupid, I was excited to find the new cd by the New Kids On The Block today. Seriously, the cd is not that bad. Is there anything really wrong with wanting to remember a time when you barely had any responsibilities? I can't wait for their Greatest Hits cd to come out. Did any of you like them as well? Or am I all alone in that?

I do have other things to blog about, but I want to add pictures with them, so I will get around to that soon.